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2024 Ritual

Saging, sage, salie, cleanse

As we step into the year 2024, it is essential to pause and create a ritual that allows us to let go of the burdens of the past and set new intentions for the future.

To perform this ritual of letting go of the old and setting new intentions, create a cozy space where you feel comfortable and calm.

Begin by cleansing your space with sage or palo santo to remove all negative energies.

Candle, crystals, ritual, mineraalstenen, kaars

Candle, crystals, ritual, mineral stones, candle
Next, choose mineral stones such as:
Rock crystal for clarity,
Amethyst for spiritual guidance,
Citrine for manifesting abundance.

Place these crystals on a clean altar or table along with white candles symbolizing purification and new beginnings and light the candles.

Reflect on the past year and identify negative experiences or emotions you want to release. Write them on a piece of paper and burn it while focusing on releasing these energies.
Intentions setting, new resolutions

Intentions setting, nieuwe voornemens

Next, take time to meditate and visualize what you wish for the coming year. Visualize your goals and give them positive energy. Write down your new intentions or goals and place them somewhere visible as a reminder.

Close the ritual with gratitude for the past year and the intention to bring positivity and growth into your life in the coming year.

Extinguish the candles with the thought that you have laid the foundation for a fresh start in the new year.

This ritual can serve as a powerful reminder to leave the negative energy of the past behind and embrace the limitless possibilities of the new year.


Need crystals? you'll find them HERE

You can shop all smudges etc... HERE

Read our blog how to cleanse with sage or rather with palo santo.