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The power of Laurel

Laurel & its powerful properties

Bay leaf, or laurel, is a noble and protective tree, with a strong energy that attracts good luck, success, spirituality. His masculine energy radiates glory and honor. Bay leaves are a symbol of divine inspiration and victory. 
Bay leaves have a long history dating back thousands of years and have been used by the ancient Greeks and Romans for their health benefits. Its rich perfume was dedicated to the ancient Greek gods, especially to Apollo (God of the arts, poetry and truth).
Bay leaves can be used fresh or dried for cooking. It is still valued as a common spice in a variety of cultures around the world.

Properties of bay leaf

This herb helps us get in touch with our intellectual and spiritual sides, awakens our instincts and Inner Magic.

In Magic, the Bay Leaf is used to attract good luck, and is used in spells for luck, wealth and love; but also in rituals of purification and psychic perception.

Bay leaves also have several health benefits. They efficiently regulate cholesterol levels, stress, insomnia, high blood pressure, digestion, and a variety of respiratory and anti-inflammatory discomforts.

Burning bay leaves has health benefits. The smoke will help reduce anxiety, stress, tension and insomnia.

Burning bay leaves for 10 minutes helps to relieve anxiety, tension and breathing problems.  Leave the room for at least 10 minutes after burning a bay leaf in an ashtray.
Make sure the windows are closed to prevent a breeze from blowing it over.
Keep the ashtray away from flammable materials such as wood and paper.
In fact, make sure you don't light it near a smoke detector.
When you return, you will notice a distinct change in the environment, as well as a pleasant calming scent.
The smoke from burning bay leaves releases compounds that improve the environment and promote positive energy flow.

Let the scent soothe your body and mind by taking a deep breath. Bay leaves are also one of the most powerful cockroach repellents

If bugs have infested your kitchen, the only way to ward them off is to use bay leaves.

There is no better option as they are completely safe to use, even around young children or pets.

When it comes to insects, the powerful scent works wonders.

The fumes from bay leaves are extremely repellent, and using them regularly can keep bugs away for good.

While both dry and fresh leaves can be used for this purpose, the dry leaves are more effective due to their stronger scent.
Since bay leaves are non-toxic, you can place them in any room of your home, including your kitchen and garden.
See also the blog about "Burning laurel as a wishing ritual".