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The Pendulum

You can use a pendulum (often a drop-shaped metal or crystal object on a thread or chain) to answer your life questions.
You hold the pendulum, ask a question and wait to see how the pendulum reacts and answers with this.
Commute makes direct contact with the wisdom from your subconscious. The answer comes from you.
It is therefore a great method to find out what lives in your subconscious.
It gives insight into the things you know deep down, but of which you are (not always) aware on the surface.
You could therefore consider commuting as a bridge between the conscious and the subconscious


Preparing for Commute

  • It is very important that you are not disturbed while commuting, not by a mobile phone, but also not by a person who (unexpectedly) enters the room. Concentration is one of the most important ingredients of commuting.
    Follow the tips below so that you can start your commute prepared and focused.
    Find a quiet area where you will not be disturbed and where there are as few electronic andmmers as possible. Make sure you can sit comfortably at a table in this room and place your feet together on the floor.
  • Light a candle (possibly) or put on some quiet music if this helps you to relax.
  • Sit in a comfortable chair. Check that your feet are flat on the floor next to each other; this ensures proper grounding.
  • Close your eyes. Concentrate on your breathing and breathe in and out slowly for about a minute. This connects you to your subconscious. When you feel a warm feeling flowing through your body, it means that you have come into contact with your subconscious.
  • Clear your mind of all thoughts that are not related to working the pendulum.
  • Ask yourself: Am I willing to be open and honest about the information I may receive? Am I able to take a neutral position towards what is to come?
  • Be very honest with yourself and don't let yourself be guided by all kinds of compelling motives to get a certain answer.


How do you hold the pendulum?

Take the pendulum firmly between the thumb and forefinger of your writing hand. Do not squeeze too hard and let the pendulum hang 'relaxed'.
Keep your palm facing down. The pendulum should be held so that it moves freely and it should have enough cord length to swing out.
If necessary, wind the end of the chain around your little finger so that it does not hang loose.
Try to relax your hand, but with enough force to hold the pendulum properly. Always keep your hand still.
If you are not very experienced yet, you may rest your arm lightly on the table, but without bending your wrist.
Keep your thumb and forearm in a straight line for a relaxed and receptive posture.


Cleaning your pendulum

A pendulum must be cleaned regularly.
Not only because it can get dirty, but also because it can contain disturbing energy, which means that the pendulum no longer works properly.
You can clean it in neutral soapy water and then rinse well. Preferably let it dry on a clean cloth in the sun.
After cleaning you can possibly charge the pendulum with positive energy with the help of a clean rhinestone (place it together in the sun), under a pyramid or with the help of reiki.
Keep your pendulum in a brocade bag or pouch or box. This way you prevent it from being damaged and the pendulum remains clean.


Understand the pendulum

Because the commute is based on a question, the aim is to find out what the positive result is for you (for example "and") and the negative result (e.g. "nee") to be.
This result is called "the personal commute code".
With the help of a few simple exercises you can determine for yourself what your pendulum code is.

The Postive (Yes) code: 
Take your pendulum in hand and do the relaxation exercise. Be open and neutral.
Hold your hand very still and ask yourself a question to which the answer is only yes.

For example: “Do I have a name…?”, “Am I in my house?” or “Am I wearing a green sweater?”.

You can also use phrases such as “My name is…”, “I am home now” or “The color of my sweater is green” when searching for your personal code.
After all, this is only about looking for your yes code and not about deeper answers.
Then concentrate on the movement of the pendulum and wait patiently for the pendulum to swing.
If you get a result, write it down for yourself (yes = … movement).
Repeat the exercise a few more times with other questions that can only be answered yes.

The Negative (No) code:
Repeat the steps of the positive code, but this time only ask the pendulum questions that can only receive a negative answer.

Take the time to get your personal code clear.
Stick to yes and no for the time being, later you can possibly expand it with 'maybe' and/or 'no answer'.
If you find yourself getting tense or failing, stop and try again later.


Formulate your question

There are a number of "basic rules" for asking a question to the pendulum:

  • Formulate your question as clearly as possible: simply, briefly and in direct form. Example: “Is this bread (or this stone, this vitamin…) good for me?”
  • Never ask two questions in one sentence. For example, a wrong question is: "Should I have cheese or meat on my bread?"
  • Always formulate a question positively. For example: “Is it important to me that I have lunch today?” instead of "Can I skip lunch today?" "Is it okay for me to eat fruit today?" instead of "Is it better not to eat fruit today?" "Is it good/important to commute on (this topic) now?" instead of "Should I not commute about (this topic)?"
  • Don't ask the why of something. You cannot get a yes or no answer to a why question.
  • Do not ask for results of bets or games of chance.
  • Never ask questions from an emotion and certainly not from a negative emotion (e.g. jealousy, anger, curiosity). It is important to always work from neutrality. If you ask questions from a (negative) emotion, you will never get a neutral answer. Your answers will then be colored by the emotion.
  • Never ask questions that could harm others.

Know that conscious commute is very difficult for yourself, because it is almost impossible to stay neutral with yourself.
However, try to be as neutral as possible. Do you have important questions where you have doubts about your own neutrality,
then ask another (experienced person) to commute for you.


Want to commute but don't have a commute yet? Buy themhere