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Typical colors: Green, but can also be orange, brown, yellow, blue or gray

Aventurine is a stone of prosperity. It strengthens leadership qualities and decisiveness. Promotes compassion and empathy. Encourages perseverance. Aventurine relieves stuttering and severe neuroses. It stabilizes one's mood, stimulates perception and increases creativity. Helps to see alternatives and possibilities. Calms anger and irritation. Promotes feelings of well-being. Aventurine balances the masculine and feminine energy. It promotes the regeneration of the heart. Protects against environmental pollution.

Aventurine is good for the nervous system. It balances blood pressure and boosts metabolism, lowering cholesterol levels. Aventurine has an anti-inflammatory effect and relieves rashes, allergies, migraines and soothes the eyes. It heals lungs, sinuses, heart, muscles and genitourinary system.

In addition to the general healing properties of Aventurine, specific colors have additional properties:

Blue Aventurine
Chakras - Third Eye Chakra, Throat Chakra

Blue Aventurine helps people with addictions take responsibility for their problems. When used in meditation it will help you overcome addictions. Blue Aventurine clears old, stagnant energies and helps open you to inner growth and spiritual work. It also strengthens communication skills, helps you speak up when you need to, and stay true to yourself.

Green Aventurine
Chakra's - Hart Chakra

Green Aventurine is a comforter and heart healer. It neutralizes all sources of electromagnetic pollution and blocks radiation from computers, television and other electronic equipment. Green Aventurine soothes nausea and dissolves negative emotions and thoughts. It brings well-being and emotional calm. Also used to strengthen eyesight. A good all round healer.

Yellow Aventurine
Chakras - Sacral Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra

Yellow Aventurine opens and balances the Sacral Chakra and the Solar Plexus Chakra. It is especially helpful for those who are overly sensitive or indecisive, helping to overcome feelings of difficulty with power and control over your own life. It can help to set intentions for manifesting a sense of ease within yourself, in addition to increasing levels of abundance and prosperity. Yellow Aventurine also promotes creativity.