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Typical colors - yellow to tan or smoky gray brown

Citrine energizes every level of life. It cleanses the chakras and opens the intuition. Citrine attracts wealth, prosperity and success. It gives joy, wonder, delight and enthusiasm. Increases self-esteem and self-confidence. Stimulates the brain and strengthens the intellect. Citrine promotes motivation, activates creativity and encourages self-expression. Improves concentration and revitalizes the mind. It releases negative traits, depression, fears and phobias. Emotionally balancing.

Citrine energizes and recharges, also reverses degenerative diseases and helps balance chemical imbalances in the body. Beneficial in the treatment of diabetes, it stimulates the digestive system, the spleen and the pancreas. Prevents kidney and bladder infections. Citrine helps with eye problems, increases blood circulation, detoxifies the blood, activates the thymus and balances the thyroid gland. Relieves constipation and removes cellulite.