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Dalmatian jasper


Typical colours: light brown with black spots

Dalmatian Jasper, also known as "Dalmation Stone", is a grounding nurturing stone, both in relation to the earth and in reality. It removes disillusionment and helps one to see one's strengths and weaknesses more clearly. Dalmatian brings joy to life and helps to increase loyalty in relationships. Dalmatian Stone is the "Stone of Service" that reminds us that we can make a difference in this world, no matter how small the effort may seem.
Through the black inclusions of tourmaline, the Dalmatian expels negativity from within and around us and cleanses our personal aura. It is a great stone for over-analysts, encouraging them to stay centered while feeding their emotions until they feel they don't need to be over-analytical.

It purifies the blood and strengthens the immune system.