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Ocean Jaspis (Jasper)


Typical colours: brown, red, orange, yellow, green

Ocean Jasper, also known as Orbicular Jasper, helps to accept responsibility and brings patience. It facilitates the continuity of circular breathing. Improves digestion and removes toxins that cause body odor and disease.

It has a calming, peaceful, serene energy. Encourages deep, calming and relaxed breathing. Ocean Jasper relieves stress and tension while inducing a sense of relaxation and reminding us that we are safe and protected. Ocean Jasper is a lucky stone that generates feelings of joy by releasing negative emotions and thought patterns. Also encourages optimism and love and strengthens personal strength and inner strength and allows us to reexamine past experiences and see them in a different light so that we are prepared to heal these wounds and move on. Ocean Jasper wants you to live your life to the fullest and will offer you protection and encouragement along the way.