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Prairie Azalea Frankincense

Prairie Azalea Frankincense

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Prairiesalie(Artemisia tridentata)
This perennial forest plant, also known as Prairie Mugwort, Gray Sage or Desert Sage, grows in the wild heights of the western United States and is considered a powerful medicine by the Indians against sickening spirits and destructive energies. Helps against negative thoughts and despondency. (*) Connects mother earth with the great spirit.

Element: Earth
Mainly operating on: Earth


Suitable for burning on a fireproof dish with charcoal, or on a special sieve incense burner. The combustion process is somewhat slower on a sieve burner than on charcoal. You can easily mix the incense with other types.

*This information is not scientifically proven, it is based on user experience. If in doubt about your health, consult a doctor.