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Witte salie - Lakaiann

White sage

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Smudge bundles are one of the means by which people around the world are reconnecting with the power of Mother Nature. The use of plant and resin smoke may have evolved from the primeval campfires of distant caves. The ceremony of cleansing people, places and objects through smoke continues today. Not only good for keeping annoying flying insects away, but also for storing food and hides. Some smudging can also provide protection against unseen ghosts and thoughts. To apply the protective cleansing power of a smudge, a leaf or resin was heated to create smoke which was often brushed over the person or object with a feather fan. White Sage is burned in smudging ceremonies to drive away evil spirits, feelings or influences. The leaves are valued for their aromatic properties and used as a natural moth repellent. White Sage can be used in many ways.