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De Guasha

gua-sha, guasha

What is a Guasha?

Guasha is an ancient medical treatment still practiced in traditional Chinese medicine. It is used as a preventive or curative treatment. It is an alternative medicine. Guasha literally means “scraping” from “diseases due to stagnant energy”.

Our life energy flows through the body through 12 recognizable patterns or meridians.

Meridian = river of energy that flows up or down at one point in the body and to another point. (Depending on which meridian)

The 12 rivers of Chi (prana, Ki & life force) bring life force to every cell in our body.

When the river is blocked, the life force cannot flow to a specific part of our body, so cells, tissues & organs suffer from deficiency with the result: minor complaints.

But when the life force is weakened, the immune cells are unable to deal with major illnesses. Result: other illness & worse.

Symptoms get worse = disease gets worse.

So when a meridian is blocked, one part of the body gets too much chi while another part gets too little.

The IMBALANCE makes one organ overactive & others tired too quickly.

Meridians always occur on 2 sides of the body.


Facial Guasha

The reflex areas on the face are connected to different parts of our body. Energy flows through the body in very subtly organized patterns. This forms, as it were, a web through which every cell and every organ is connected to every other part of the body.

The areas on the face respond to the condition of the organs connected to them and, as a result, will show certain external features.

Ex. Deep vertical line or wrinkles indicate a weakening of the genitals and/or a hormonal imbalance.


How to Guasha?

gua sha, guasha
For the optimal functioning of the guasha steen it must be well cared for.

The different mineral stones give off an energy and must therefore be cleaned and charged regularly. (see blog: cleaning and charging mineral stones)

How often you cleanse and charge the guasha stone depends on whether you only use it on yourself or on others as well. If you only use it for yourself, it is sufficient to clean it once a week. This can be done by keeping it under running water for 5 minutes.

If you also use it on others, it is advisable to clean it after each treatment. This by putting it in a washcloth and putting it in boiling water for 20 minutes.

If you are lucky enough to have a stream or surf of the sea against your door, you can also place the stone there.


The energy must also be regularly supplemented and this can be done as on the blog of “Cleaning and charging mineral stones” in the moonlight, sunlight, the ground, etc…


First of all, apply a small amount of facial oil with the fingertips in a patting motion so that it absorbs into the skin.

You really don't have to use anything fancy or expensive you want Just something to make the instrument glide smoothly and effortlessly over the skin. My favorite is the almond oil.


Love the guasha steen always at 45° against the skin. This is to avoid damage to the skin surface of the face. Rub the guasha stone over the skin with light pressure. By moving the stone over your face you can release and remove toxins from your skin and pores, resulting in radiant skin.

Always work upwards and outwards and repeat each movement at least 5 times

Rub very gently around the eyes because this epidermis is much finer and more sensitive.

Always rub from under the eyebrows upwards towards the hairline.

Increase pressure and massage at the end of each movement.


Treatment with the guasha steen also helps to even out skin tone, cell renewal, reduce wrinkles, improve the appearance of sagging skin and reduce under-eye bags.

 gua sha, guashaYou can purchase Guasha stone here.