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The Power of Shungiet

The protective power of Shungite

The best stone that can be used to suppress "radiation" and more...

Shungite has been praised for at least 400 years for its healing and antibacterial properties. Shungite has a specific crystal structure based on carbon. So it also looks a lot like charcoal. Shungite purifies and detoxifies the body. That is why it is also advisable to drink a lot of water when wearing Shungite.

In addition, Shungite can help with headaches, back pain, rheumatism, sleeping problems and stabilizes the blood. Do not use/wear Shungite during pregnancy.

Shungite is theTHE gemstone against radiation! Think charcoal first; that crystal is absorptive - it is used to draw poisons and disease from the body and eliminate them safely. It is an earth and air energy, with a hint of fire - an unusual and powerful combination of energies to work with simultaneously. It removes toxins and diseases from the body (i.e., it removes what does not belong in it for good health), but it is much more than that. This is a crystal with all the abilities for healing. It blocks the intense vibrations that are rising from the Earth's interior right now. These intense, abrasive, magma vibrations have the ability to weaken the immune system and induce stress, fear and anxiety in us.
Place Shungite near the computer or T.V. and it will also block anything electronic that could make you sick. Shungite like a black hole, which absorbs everything that is wrong with our body and the negative energy cannot go any further. That energy is broken down within the crystal. It is as if the negative energy hits a stone wall and just ceases to exist.


Shungite and electromagnetic radiation

But one of the reasons Shungite is being bought more and more is that it has the ability to block and/or absorb electronic radiation. Many people benefit greatly from wearing shungite in areas or places where people are bothered by electromagnetic radiation.

Frequently chosen forms of shungite are spheres, pyramids, rough shungite or tumbled shungite. Place it in the room where "radiation" causes problems. Then place the Shungite so that it is between you and the radiation source.


Shungiet water

Shungite is also often put in water. If you drink the water that shungite has been in, it is said to help with eczema, psoriasis, wound healing and strengthen and rejuvenate the skin. Reportedly, Russian scientists who study shungite have found that drinking this water aids recovery from severe or chronic disease of the stomach, liver, intestines, kidneys and metabolism. Skin problems recover faster by dabbing the spots with Shungite water.