Wish ritual with laurel
Manifesting a wish by burning laurel.
Laurel has been used for centuries. There are many uses and magical properties of bay leaves such as aiding in protection and increasing psychic powers.
The bay leaf is associated with the element of fire, which is why they are perfect for combustion rituals. They are often used in healing spells and can of course be added to your food when cooking, but did you know that bay leaves can also be used as an aid to manifestation?
The best way to use a bay leaf in manifestation work is to burn it. This enhances the power of your words and actions, as the bay leaf is associated with the element of fire.
The first step, as with any spell, is to think about what you want to manifest. The best thing is to think carefully about your priorities and choose only one. You can make a list or just choose the one that is the priority in your mind.
The best time to cast manifestation spells is during a New Moon. However, a Full Moon is also a good moon time. At full moon you can also release things, or waxing moon.
- 1 bay leaf (preferably dried but can also be fresh)
- 1 pen or pencil
- Lighter or matches
- Refractory dish or cauldron
- 1 candle (certain colors can give extra power and intention)
- Pliers (for safety)
- Possibly incense or sage
- Make your own corner with all the items mentioned above. You can also arrange photos, flowers, mineral stones, shells, etc. i.e. things that are important to you. There are rules what is allowed and what is not allowed. It must feel good to you.
- Make it quiet and relaxed, possibly with some mood music. You can also cleanse the room with some sage if the room doesn't feel calm, even yourself if you're feeling a bit stressed. Do you want to meditate first that is all allowed and possible. (see blog Sage)
- Then take your bay leaf and a pen and write your wish on the bay leaf. As you do this, you must focus your energy on what you want to attract. For example, you could write something like "I want to feel stronger." You can be as specific as you want, but make sure you understand what you're asking for. IMPORTANT: Don't wish anything negative on anyone, it will always backfire on you. Think carefully and write down your wish clearly.

- As you write and focus your energy on your desire, make sure that your emotions are also aligned with what you want to manifest. Visualize the feeling of receiving what you ask for. Imagine the difference the wish makes in your life and feel the tension release.
- When you're done, it's time to burn your bay leaf. Use the tongs to hold the bay leaf safely near the candle flame until it burns almost completely.

- Put the bay leaf in the cauldron. This part of the spell or ritual should also be a mindful process. Watch the smoke rise and enjoy the aroma of the bay leaf.

- Let the candle burn while you maybe meditate a bit or enjoy a nice afterglow. If you must leave the room, extinguish the candle and keep it lit for the next few days.

- Dispose of the ashes and spell residue in a way that suits you, e.g. In the grass in the garden, on the beach in the sea,… While you thank them for their help with your ritual.
- Always have adult supervision when working with fire. Never leave candles burning unattended.
Some people like an elaborate ritual when performing any kind of ritual and others prefer to stick to the practicalities. Creating a ritual atmosphere can help you better connect with your desires and activate your powers of manifestation.
You can start your ritual with a spell or invoking the Quarters, do what works best for you. The most important part of the spell is the power of intention you have.
See also blog about "The Power of Laurel".