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The power of Selenite

Selenite is a very soft stone and is created by water deposition. The stone, also called satin, is transparent and is finely or coarser ribbed. Since selenite is a plaster crystal, it is important not to let the crystal come into contact with water too much. It then solves.

Pure selenite is usually white. If selenite is polished, it has a satin sheen. When it comes into contact with iron, it turns orange, red or brown. Green or blue selenite is also possible when it has come into contact with aluminum. A well-known form of selenite is the desert rose that arises from the drying up of lakes in the desert, so that gypsum crystals take the shape of a rose and remain on the parched soil.

Working with Selenite

Because selenite is very soft, it is worked a lot, such as the smooth cuddly stone, the oval soapstone and the heart. Because this stone never needs to be cleaned and charged yourself, selenite is also used to make bowls, special and perfect for cleaning and charging gemstones. A selenite wall is used for spiritual purposes.
Selenite can be carried with you in the form of a stuffed toy stone or a pendant made of selenite.
A selenite is often placed in the house for a soothing feeling or next to the bed to help with sleep problems.
Place your gemstones and minerals in a selenite bowl to clean and recharge.
A selenite wall is used by making swinging movements to break through emotional bonds or channel the energy. But you can also create a protected light circle around you by turning the selenite wall in a circular shape around you. The healing space is then created within the circle.

Properties of Selenite

The name Selenite comes from Selena, the Greek Moon goddess known to the Romans as 'Luna'. Selena means “the Shining”.

But more, the Selenite is also called the “Englishstone” because it never needs to be cleaned or charged. Selenite also ensures good contact with angels and guides. It's a good stone in meditation. The stone has a calming and soothing effect, a piece of selenite in the pillowcase or under the pillow provides a wonderful night's sleep.
Selenite can therefore be placed in any room to create peace and tranquility.
Selenite balances your aura and helps you relieve mental trauma and restores balance in your body.

Go to our selenite collection: Here