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Yogiman or Orang Malu: Lucky charm and protector. It symbolizes modesty, strength, heart energy and new life.

It is also called Orang Malu. Orang stands for 'human', Malu for 'shy'. In this way he symbolizes the 'shy person' or rather: the modest person who is aware of his happiness and strength. He comes across as introverted and self-absorbed, but at the same time is pure and pure in that way.

When we look for the meaning of the Yogiman, we end up in Java, Indonesia.
There was once a man who was very ashamed of man and society, of the violence and discontent in our world. Because he had such a hard time with the behavior of his fellow man, he decided to spend his life in meditation. For this he chose the well-known attitude.
It is said that he wept at the evil and injustice in society, that he could no longer bear to bear the suffering of man.
By going into meditation, he has discovered happiness within himself. He realized that deep down in his heart he can be happy, and there will always be peace within himself.

When you first look at the statue of the Yogiman, you see a man with his head in his hands, sad and introverted. When you look closer, you see a smiling face. His head then becomes his nose, his hands form his teeth and the ears represent his eyes. This is how you get to see the happy Yogi, who has come into contact with his inner peace and happiness through meditation.

The back of the Yogiman forms his heart, which symbolizes the source of all energy, life and power.
If you look at the Yogiman from the side, his arms form an unborn child, a fetus. This symbolizes new life and purity.

Life lessons
The Yogiman shows us that life is a recurring thing and runs in a circle, so to speak. There is no beginning and no end. Every ending represents a new beginning, a rebirth.
The life lesson that this image gives us is that through humility and strength life always starts again and we are born again.
He also shows us that we find our strength within ourselves and not outside ourselves so that we are not dependent on others and the world around us.
Its purifying energy
The Yogimanis used to keep negative energies out of a home. Anyone who passes by him will also be cleared of negative energy and filled with positive power.
The Yogiman thus cleanses and purifies everything that comes near him and gives the place a serene and peaceful atmosphere.
He is very often placed at the entrance (usually on the left), with his head facing the door. This is how every visitor will look at him and receive his positive energy. By placing your hand on his head, you amplify this flow of energy. He protects you against evil and strengthens you in your being, so that your self-confidence also increases. Take good care of him and he will take your worries away.


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