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Typical colors: white to gray, gray-blue, or brown, ranging from pale to almost black. Chalcedony has a waxy sheen and can be semi-translucent or translucent.

Chalcedony is a nurturing stone and absorbs negative energy. He brings mind, body, emotions and spirit into harmony. Chalcedony arouses feelings of benevolence and generosity. It relieves hostility and transforms melancholy into joy. Reduces self-doubt. Creates openness and enthusiasm. Absorbs and dispels negative thoughts, emotions and bad dreams.

Chalcedony gives a feeling of comfort and contentment to those it touches. Chalcedony is a very creative stone, opening the mind to the acceptance of new ideals and situations. It is known to improve our mental flexibility and verbal dexterity, making us better listeners and communicators. Chalcedony absorbs all the negative thoughts and emotions we feel at that moment and replaces them with an optimistic, cheerful outlook.

Chalcedony improves mineral assimilation and fights mineral accumulation in the veins. Reduces the effects of dementia and senility. It increases physical energy. Heals the eyes, gallbladder, bones, spleen, blood and circulatory system.