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Typical colors - blue, or gold with golden sparkles

Goldstone is said to be the stone of ambition. He gives energy, courage and a positive attitude. Increases drive and self-confidence. Goldstone is a gently uplifting stone and promotes vitality.

Goldstone helps to relieve tension in the stomach and is good for arthritic conditions. It is good for bones, aching joints and blood circulation.

In addition to the general healing properties of Aventurine, specific colors have additional properties:

Blue goldstone
Chakras - root chakra, sacral chakra

Deflects unwanted energy and directs it back to its source. It has great protective qualities that calm the mind and allow us to connect with our intuition. Blue Goldstone symbolically reminds us that there is always light to be found in the darkness. Is motivating, gives self-confidence and ambition. Empaths benefit from the protective energy, which helps to transform everything absorbed from others into a more peaceful, healing energy.