Typical colors - Green, blue, red, yellow, brown
In addition to the general healing properties of Agate and Chalcedony, Moss Agate is a stone of new beginnings. Refreshes the soul and enables you to see beauty in everything you behold. Moss agate reduces sensitivity to weathering and environmental pollutants. Attracts abundance in wealth and improves self-esteem. Develops strength and the ability to get along with others. Inspires new ideals after periods of stagnation. Moss agate promotes self-expression and communication. Balances the emotions and releases fear and stress. Encourages confidence and hope. It eliminates depression caused by imbalances in the brain.
Moss agate accelerates recovery after illness. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, cleanses the circulatory and drainage system, and strengthens the immune system. It helps midwives by reducing pain and ensuring a good delivery. Moss agate prevents hypoglycemia and dehydration, treats infections, colds and flu, and lowers fever. Treats fungal and skin infections.